Dani Carvajal Heartwarming Moment with His Father During Real Madrid Champions League Victory Parade

Dani Carvajal Heartwarming Moment with His Father During Real Madrid Champions League Victory Parade

Published: 5:19 PM on Sat, June 2024

Dani Carvajal shared a one in a lifetime moment with his father when they posed for a snap with the Champions League trophy during Real Madrid's victory parade on Sunday evening.

Proud of his son's 6th Champions League title in which he scored the first goal in the final and won the man of the match on Saturday, Dani's father, Mariano, who works as an administrator in the Madrid police force decided to ditch his office for a few hours to join the 250,000 people street parade as part of the mounted police escorting the Los Blancos bus.

After the customary trophy lifting celebrations at the the Cibeles statue, the Madrid full-back led the team in honoring his father, with everyone disembarking the open top bus and accompanying him to the horse back police officers where Mariano sat on his horse alongside his unit. Father and son would then pose for a memorable photo in-front of thousands of supporters and teammates.

Taking to social media to finally react to the unique moment with his father in the streets of Madrid, Dani wrote, "Proud to share this incredible moment with you. Seeing you riding a horse after so many years, just to make me happy, fills me with pride. This is a memory your grand children will remember for a lifetime. Too much emotions in one picture. Thank you dad, for being the best and for teaching me the true meaning of unconditional love, the value of effort and sacrifice, and the power of making someone you love happy."

While many might wonder why Carvajal has not retired his father despite of earning over $210,000 per week which is multiple times more than a yearly wage of a senior policeman, his old man clearly loves his job.

By: Rai Bonave
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